
Ethiopian Members of Parliament Train in International Migration Law

Ethiopian Members of Parliament Train in International Migration Law

IOM has trained Ethiopian Parliamentarians in International Migration Law starting from 16-17 December 2012 in Addis Ababa. The training aimed at building the capacities of members of the Ethiopian Parliament constituted from three standing committees of the House of Peoples’ Representatives of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; namely the Legal and Administrative Affairs standing committee, the Social Affairs standing committee and the Women, Children and Youth affairs standing committee.

The training, which was provided by international experts, gave the MPs an insight on the broad range of principles and rules relating to numerous branches of international law such as human rights law, humanitarian law, labour law, refugee law, consular law and maritime law. It will also be very useful for them in developing migration policies and legislation that would enhance the rights and protection of migrants and ultimately help the country to manage migration more effectively and in a manner consistent with international law.

“The training has been very useful for me and my colleagues as the issues of migration are very pertinent to our country” says Honorable Etenesh Zeleke, after attending the training. IOM Ethiopia Chief of Mission and Representative to AU/ECA/IGAD Mr. Josiah Ogina on his part emphasized IOM’s commitment to advance such kind of capacity building training for the rest of the standing committee members of parliament and other government offices as appropriate.

International migration law, which is the international legal framework governing migration, is not covered by any one legal instrument or norm. It is an umbrella term covering a variety of principles and rules that together regulate the international obligations of States with regard to migrants.

IOM provides training on International Migration Law in order to spread awareness on the different legal instruments to academics, government policy makers, International Organizations (IOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Its International Migration Law Unit consults with governments on migration legislation to make the legislation more effective and to bring it more in line with regional and international standards.