
IOM and ZOA Distribute Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Item (ES/NFI) Assistance to Displaced Families in Lare Woreda, Gambella Region

IOM and ZOA Distribute Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Item (ES/NFI) Assistance to Displaced Families in Lare Woreda, Gambella Region


Gambella - 203 families displaced by conflict in Pilual Kebele of Lare Woreda, Gambella Region received ES/NFI kits from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN Migration Agency, in collaboration with its implementing partner agency ZOA and the Gambella Regional State Disaster Preparedness and Food Security Agency (DPFSA).


The kits contain 16 items including plastic sheeting, rope, mosquito nets, blankets, sleeping mats, water containers and kitchen sets. This distribution was the first joint intervention carried out between IOM and ZOA following recent signing of an implementing partnership agreement for refugee and IDP programming in the Gambella Region of Ethiopia.


Unrest in South Sudan impacted border communities in the Lare Woreda of Gambella Region in Ethiopia as factions fought for control of Pagak town during the past months. Armed men invaded and began to burn down houses in our village,” said one recipient of the ES/NFI assistance. “We were in a hurry and not able to bring our belongings with us. All we were thinking about was to save our lives. We were worried because we have no food for for our children to eat or shelter and household utensils.” Some of the displaced families were able to seek refuge with relatives while the 203 families had no relatives in the area of displacement and remained in the open seeking protection under trees.

“The displaced community in Pilual were very happy for the lifesaving support provided through IOM’s ES/NFI program which will protect them from the exceptionally heavy rainy season this year”, said the IOM Gambella Head of Sub-Office Miriam Mutalu. The ES/NFI distribution was made possible through funding from ECHO which allowed IOM to assist over 10,000 households with ES/NFI across Somali, Oromia, Afar and Gambella Regions of Ethiopia since April 2017.