
IOM Briefs Ethiopian Diplomats on Diaspora Mapping

IOM Briefs Ethiopian Diplomats on Diaspora Mapping

Ethiopia - IOM has organized a briefing in Addis Ababa on diaspora mapping for over 100 Ethiopian ambassadors and senior diplomats from around the world. The briefing, at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, took place at the Ambassadorial Annual Review Meeting and followed a diaspora mapping seminar organized by IOM Ethiopia at the end of June 2014. The briefing, conducted by IOM experts from South Africa and Moldova, provided an introduction to diaspora mapping and highlighted its importance as a first step towards formulating a diaspora engagement strategy. It also explained the process, international best practices and lessons learnt. The event was opened by State Minister for Foreign Affairs Dawano Kedir, who thanked IOM for its contribution to capacity building, and for its support in times of need, notably during the recent influx of Ethiopian returnees from Saudi Arabia. IOM Chief of Mission Josiah Ogina highlighted the importance of diaspora engagement in development. “History has shown diasporas, their capital and networks have had a major impact on development worldwide. In Europe, the Republic of Ireland is just one good example,” he said.