
IOM CCCM Areas of Intervention Map - December 2024


IOM’s Camp Coordination & Camp Management (CCCM) Programme serves displacement-affected communities in three main types of settings:

1) collective centres
2) planned sites
3) self-settled sites

As of the end of December 2024, IOM’s CCCM Programme in Ethiopia covered 27 Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) sites and 4 Community Response Centres in Somali and Tigray Regions, reaching over 191,981 direct beneficiaries.


The CCCM Programme collaborates with the Government, primarily with the Disaster Risk Management bureau, humanitarian sectors, Site Management committees, and communities, to enhance living conditions and to improve access to services for affected populations. The programme achieves this through several key components: Coordination & Information Management; Site Planning, Development, Maintenance, and Improvement; and Community participation, Self-Governance and Capacity-Building.