
IOM conducts International Migration Law Training

IOM conducts International Migration Law Training

In a two days session, which was held on November 5th and 6th in Addis Ababa, IOM Ethiopia conducted International Migration Law (IML) training for 28 officials.

The training attendees included Ethiopian House of People’s Representatives, House of Federation Secretariats, Foreign Affairs staff, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Federal Police Crime Investigation Unit, Ethiopian Human Rights Commission staffs, Addis Ababa University School of law lecturers, Ethiopian Red Cross Society and members of the media.

The IML training was opened by Deputy Director General Laura Thompson. “The training is very vital for Ethiopians. I have a sister in the Middle East who has also been a victim of the Human Trafficking,” One of participants commented at the opening. 

The training, which was provided by international experts, gave the MPs an insight on the broad range of principles and rules relating to numerous branches of international law such as human rights law, humanitarian law, labour law, refugee law, consular law and maritime law. It will also be very useful for them in developing migration policies and legislation that would enhance the rights and protection of migrants and ultimately help the country to manage migration more effectively and in a manner consistent with international law.

IML certificate award ceremony

At the completion of the two days IML training the trainees received a certificate from the hands of the Deputy Director General. The training was part of project funded by EU with co-funding from NL/NO/CH.