
IOM Creates Livelihood Opportunities: “I’ve never had this opportunity before”

IOM Creates Livelihood Opportunities:  “I’ve never had this opportunity before”

21st-25th April 2016, Tigray Region-   A Basic Business Skill training was provided by IOM to Eritrean refugees and Ethiopian communities in Tigray Region at the Shire Town Poly Technique College. The first group of beneficiaries included 30 men and 30 women from Mayayni and Adi-Harush refugee camps and from the host community.

“I’ve never had this opportunity before” exclaims an Eritrean refugee with sheer excitement further explaining how this training could be a turning point in his life. Most of the refugee trainees have been living in the camp for 6-8 years with their families. This entrepreneurial project provides a  first  step towards prospects of a better future and financial autonomy.

Trainees will submit a business plan and once approved, will be given in-kind start-up kits to materialize their business ventures.                                                                                                                                                       

The second group of beneficiaries will receive training by the end of May. This livelihood project is funded by UK-FCO and implemented in partnership with ARRA and UNHCR both in Refugee Camps and host community in Northern Ethiopia, Tigray Region.