
IOM Distributed Business Start-up Kits to Eritrean Refugees and Host Communities

IOM Distributed Business Start-up Kits to Eritrean Refugees and Host Communities

Under the pilot Livelihood Project funded by UK-FCO, IOM selected 135 beneficiaries and were provided with basic business skill training and start-up kits. Participants comprised of 50% female and 30% were members of the host community living in the surrounding areas of both Mai-Aini and Adiharush Refugee Camps. The project aims at enabling refugees from the two camps as well as members of host community in Maitsebri and Embamardi to run businesses and generate income while simultaneously mitigating the risks of secondary and irregular migration which is prevalent in the region. The start-up kits distributed to the beneficiaries are based on their respective business plan and market survey recommendations. These are mainly geared towards business entertainment ventures namely billiard, video show, play station as well as other income generating activities such as hair dressing, tailoring, dairy and goat rearing and managing mini shop, snack and cafeteria.          

IOM conducted a series of thorough participatory discussions with all project partners namely the Administration for Refugee and returnee affairs (ARRA), UNHCR and Refugee Central Committee (RCC) at the beginning of the implementation of project. As part of the steps of the pilot project, IOM allocated resources to conduct a market survey in Mai-Aini and Adiharush camps on April 2016. A five-day training on basic business skill was also provided to all the beneficiaries. Over the first phase of the project implementation program, the participation of beneficiaries on conceptualizing and preparing business plans was particularly successful. 

During the official handing over ceremony held at Mai-Aini Refugee Camp, on behalf of IOM, Mr. Ashenafi Tefera, Senior Operation Assistant and OIC, praised the active involvement of partners and beneficiaries in the implementation of the pilot project enabling and cultivating self-reliance and financial independence. He also underscored that IOM will continue working along with stakeholders to enhance such interventions in order to combat the risks of secondary/irregular migration of refugees and host communities. Meanwhile, ARRA Mai-Aini Camp Coordinator Mr. Hailemariyam Teka stated that the Ethiopian government is highly committed to work together with IOM and other partners to ensure the means of livelihoods for the Eritrean refugees in the operation as an intervention package for secondary migration.  Mr. Yirgalem Abera, Child Protection Associate representing UNHCR from May-Aini camp cited that UNHCR is undertaking all collaborative efforts to enhance the livelihood projects in all Eritrean refugee camps as part of the protection tool in order to address specific unmet needs.