
IOM trains police and government officials on identification, protection and referral of vulnerable migrants

IOM trains police and government officials on identification, protection and referral of vulnerable migrants

 Ethiopia: The International Organization for Migration Special Liaison Office (IOM SLO) organized a two-day training on identification, protection and referral of vulnerable migrants for 31 government officials in Mille Woreda, Afar Region, one of the major routes for irregular migration to the Middle East though Djibouti.

The training’s aim was to enhance the level of awareness on issues of irregular migration, trafficking in persons and smuggling of people among members of police, regional administration and security officials, Bureau of Labour and Social Affairs, Bureau of Women, Children and Youth Affairs, Bureau of Health, Customs Authority as well as Mille town Emergency Migration Response Center (EMRC). IOM has organized the EMRC training for the Mille Woreda, Afar Region as part of an agreement signed between the Federal and Regional Police on March 2014. Ever since its establishment, the Mille EMRC is providing life-saving assistance to abandoned and/or rescued migrants in desperate situations. From March to July 2014 alone, the Mille EMRC has assisted a total of 1,609 individuals who were trying to cross the country border irregularly. From the total number of individuals assisted, 431 (27%) were Female. Originating from Amhara (1,049), Tigray (478), Oromia (41), Southern Nation and Nationality Regional State (35), and Afar Regional State (6), the migrants were trying to reach Saudi Arabia. Despite the deportation of more than 168,000 Ethiopians from Saudi Arabia in late 2013 and early 2014 and the prevalence of a deteriorating security situation in Yemen, the number of youth intercepted while trying to cross the border through this irregular route has shown a large increase compared to the previous six months. Accordingly, the total number of youths, who were intercepted between September 2013 and February 2014 was 339 while the number between March and July 2014 has gone up to 1,609. Moreover, the number of female migrants using this route has also shown a significant increase. Through the training, the participants were introduced to key migrant protection issues which are vital in engaging relevant partners on the management of Mille EMRC in a well-coordinated manner. The Metema Ethiopia-Sudan and Galafi Ethiopia- Djibouti borders are believed to be used by smugglers and traffickers as well as thousands of Ethiopian migrants and Eritrean refugees every year.