
IOM Welcomes the Signing of Migration Data-Sharing Memorandum of Understanding and Protocol by the Ethiopian Statistical Service and Government Agencies Working on Migration

ESS MOU Signing - Group photo

Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) commends the Ethiopian Statistical Service (ESS) and 13 government institutions involved in migration data-generating for signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and data-sharing protocol on 15 January. This significant milestone highlights Ethiopia’s commitment to strengthening migration data collaboration and fostering evidence-based decision-making.

The Ethiopian Statistical Service, the Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Labor and Skills, the Ministry of Peace, the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, the Ethiopian Diaspora Service, the Ethiopian Federal Police Commission, the Ethiopian National ID Program, the Immigration and Citizenship Service, and the Refugees and Returnees Service were among the key institutions that formalized this agreement with the ESS.

The MoU and protocol are a vital step forward in enhancing the quality, accessibility, reliability and timeliness of data to inform migration-related policies, thereby strengthening the foundation for coordinated planning and targeted interventions across Ethiopia and beyond.

“Different institutions have taken part in developing this comprehensive MoU and lessons from different countries have been considered in developing it,” said, Dr. Beker Shale, Director General of the Ethiopian Statistics Service. “The coordination role from the Ministry of Justice through the National Partnership Coalition and the exposure visit for Ethiopian officials on migration data management organized by IOM in Nigeria, was pivotal in developing this MoU” the Director General added.

IOM Ethiopia’s Chief of Mission, Ms. Abibatou Wane, hailed the signing ceremony as a significant milestone. “The signing commitment is essential for improving migration governance and upholding migrants' human rights through strengthened migration coordination mechanisms and data management systems,” she said.

This landmark agreement builds upon efforts initiated in 2021, when the ESS-led Technical Working Group on migration information management was established. Supported by IOM through the National Partnership Coalition platform, the technical working group has been working on comprehensive migration information data management. Achievements include the completion of Ethiopia’s first nationwide labor force and migration survey report, which provided critical data for the National Migration Policy and informed partner interventions.

Additionally, the ESS also established a dedicated migration statistics unit with the support of IOM via funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.


For more information contact the IOM Ethiopia Media and Communications Unit,

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals