
Khartoum Hosts 7th Meeting of the Regional Consultative Process on Migration

Khartoum Hosts 7th Meeting of the Regional Consultative Process on Migration

The 7th Meeting of Regional Consultative Process on Migration (RCP) of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) was held on 18th and 19th May 2016 in Khartoum to consider recommendations of the Regional Migration Coordination Committee.

The two main recommendations that emanated from IGAD Member States during this 4th RMCC meeting were the strengthening of National Coordination Mechanisms (NCMs) and the inclusion of IGAD as an institution in the Khartoum Process. The Khartoum Process, launched in October 2014, is aimed at strengthening all efforts in order to combat smuggling and human trafficking by addressing the root causes of migration and irregular migration.

The RCP provided a regional platform for senior officials of IGAD Member States and representatives of development partners as well as other relevant stakeholders to report and engage on the status and dynamics of migration governance in the region. The goal was to have an information exchange on the topic and to learn from each other with a view to strengthen national and regional coordination efforts in the IGAD region to better address regional migration initiatives and programmes.

Since establishment in 2008, this RCP platform has ensured that IGAD Member States remain seized with different migration issues in the region ranging from migration and development, irregular migration, labour migration, human trafficking and smuggling of migrants amongst other issues.

Major stakeholders include the International Organization for Migration, the African Union, the European Union, COMESA, EAC, UN agencies such as UNHCR and ILO, as well as the World Bank and selected IGAD Partners’ Forum (IPF) members like the Netherlands and Germany.