
Migration Profiling Exercise Launched in Ethiopia

Migration Profiling Exercise Launched in Ethiopia

IOM, in close collaboration with the Government of Ethiopia and with support from the UN and Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), has held two workshops to kick start a Migration Profile exercise and to establish a National Coordination Mechanism on Migration for Ethiopia. The initiatives are being spearheaded by the Government of Ethiopia with the technical support of IOM.

The two events brought together officials from relevant ministries and non-state actors. Ministries and agencies represented included Foreign Affairs, Justice, Labour and Social Affairs, Youth and Sports, Ethiopian Youth Federation, Central Statistics Authority, National Bank, and the Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs (ARRA). Non-state participants included ILO, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNEP, as well as civil society organizations and academia.

The first workshop was designed to present the concept and objectives of the Migration Profile and the National Coordination Mechanism. Migration Profiles are a tool, not only to facilitate and pull together migration and related data, but also to serve as a foundation for policymaking and functioning of the National Coordination Mechanism on Migration for the country. 

The meeting included group discussions focusing on existing practices, gaps, challenges. Participants identified critical challenges and suggested measures to address specific issues. These included the need for a centralized registry for Ethiopian nationals to provide accurate data on migration patterns and the population at large, which is essential for policymaking.

The second meeting looked at existing migration practices and structures, and gaps identified during the first session. Achievements included the establishment of a Technical Working Group for the Migration Profile. The Ministry of Justice was appointed as Chair, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs as Secretary, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Deputy Chair.

Quarterly meetings were also agreed upon to review and confirm the findings and analyses to be compiled by IOM to feed into the Migration Profile. It was also agreed that the Government of Ethiopia would fully own the initiative once the system and processes are set.

For more information, please contact Alemayehu Seifeselassie at IOM Ethiopia, Tel: +251.11 6611117 (Ext. 455), Mobile: +251.91.163-9082,