
The number of IOM-assisted Ethiopian returnees reaches 40,212 - On Nov 28, 2013

The number of IOM-assisted Ethiopian returnees reaches 40,212 - On Nov 28, 2013

The number of IOM assisted Ethiopian returnees from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has reached 40,212 on Wednesday this week. Subsequent to the KSA crackdown on undocumented migrants, the Government of Ethiopia requested IOM’s assistance to 30,000 migrants might return home. The exact number of Ethiopian migrant workers in the KSA is still unknown. However, based on the current information from the Government, the number is expected to be more than 80,000 returnees.

The number of chartered planes that bring Ethiopian migrants has also risen from six flights per day up to 20 flights.

In addition to the four centers where IOM has been providing support to the migrants since November 13, one more processing center has been set up in Addis Ababa to keep up with the large influx.

Under new KSA legislation, which came into effect November 4th, all migrant workers must have legal work permits and sponsors in the country or face jail and fines. Thousands, who have failed to document their stay, have been detained and are seeking repatriation. Ethiopians are no exception, with thousands surrendering themselves to Saudi detention camps to await repatriation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affair has announced on Wednesday morning that the number of returnees from KSA has exceeded 50,000 so far and the government has set up a special fund account to support its citizens returning from KSA.

IOM has previously indicated that it will need approximately USD 4.5 million to adequately support 30,000 returnees. As the figure of returnees increased, serious funding gap exists. IOM has sent out appeals to donors for assistance, both financial, in-kind contribution, human resource among others. The needed amount to support the total targeted number of 80,000 returnees is approximately USD $9.8 million.

Out of the total number of migrants, approximately 40 per cent is women and IOM noticed that many of them are either pregnant (almost due) and/or lactating with infants. At least five women have begun delivering as they arrive at the airport or in the vehicle.

For more information please contact

Alemayehu Seifeselassie

IOMAddis Ababa
Tel. +251 116 611 117(Ext 455.)