
Tigray Regional State Health Bureau Awarded IOM a Recognition for its Partnership

Tigray Regional State Health Bureau Awarded IOM a Recognition for its Partnership

On an Annual Health Festival which was held at the Tigray Regional State capital, Mekelle, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) was awarded with a recognition certificate for its outstanding partnership in strengthening the Health System of the Region.

The Annual Health Festival mainly encompasses two major conferences - the evaluation the last 10 years Regional Health Strategic Plan and commencement of the next 5 Year Regional Health Strategic Plan.

The Award was issued for IOM on the opening day of the festival on 29th of July 2016. The Tigray Regional State Health Bureau stated that the Awarded was issued to IOM to accredit the various bilateral partnerships that the Organization has particularly uphold on health capacity building programs benefiting members of the host community in the Region.   

In their opening remarks, Mr. Abaye Weldu, Tigray Regional State President, and Mr. Hagos Godefay, Regional Health Bureau Head, highlighted the partnership and contribution of various humanitarian agencies on the regional health programs over the past 10 years is highly admirable. This recognition award for IOM’s outstanding partnership with the Regional Government is to applaud IOM's capacity building activities, materialized direct implementation on TB Outreach and other Programs undergone in Shire Town and beyond as well as the various health equipment, such as Gen-Expert machine, computer and other, donated for Shire town Hospital. IOM's Refugee Programs mingling for the benefits of host community living in North Western Zone of the region.       

The Award was received by IOM’s Shire Office Senior Operations Assistant Mr. Ashenafi Tefera at Mekelle Tigray Regional State.