IOM’s Emergency and Post Crisis (EPC) programming in Ethiopia covers the spectrum of activities related to preparedness and response in humanitarian emergencies to recovery and transition towards durable solutions. Humanitarian response activities in Ethiopia include gender and protection-conscious interventions for displacement affected communities and refugees. IOM’s interventions include: internal displacement information management through the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), humanitarian coordination, and research and advocacy efforts on internal displacement; provision of emergency shelter and non-food items (ES/NFI); transitional shelter (TS); water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services; site management support (SMS) for displaced communities; transportation and relocation of refugees; and transition, recovery, and durable solutions (TRD) support for disaster-affected communities. IOM also coordinates the shelter and non-food items (S/NFI) cluster at national and regional levels as part of its mandate as the cluster lead, and co-chairs the Cash Working Group. 

Interventions are guided and structured according to IOM’s Migration Crisis Management Cycle and the Migration Crisis Operational Framework (MCOF). The approach is based on the prime aspects of the cycle including prevention, preparedness, response, mitigation, and addressing forced migration.

Intervention Focus Areas:

Camp Management and Camp Coordination (CCCM)

IOM is carrying out site planning, development, maintenance, and upgrades, including partitioning of communal spaces, and constructing communal infrastructures such as kitchens and distribution points in displacement sites across Ethiopia. Other ongoing CCCM activities include coordination and information management, community participation and self-governance, and capacity building of CCCM stakeholders.
IOM is co-leading the CCCM cluster in Ethiopia and has established coordination platforms at the national and sub-national levels in Tigray (Mekelle and Shire), Amhara, Afar, and Somali regions to facilitate appropriate and effective coordination and response to the needs and gaps of the displaced population living in camps and camp-like settings.                 

DTM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) 

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) provides the Government of Ethiopia and the crisis response community with a reliable evidence base for planning, advocacy, and response. IOM applies a holistic view on the different trends and needs of mobile populations in Ethiopia through Household Level Surveys, Site Assessments, Village Assessments, Event Tracking, Flow Monitoring, Thematic Analyses, and Mobility Data and Epidemiological Outbreak Reports Analysis.

Emergency Health

IOM is providing lifesaving emergency health assistance through Mobile Health and Nutrition Teams (MHNTs) and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) teams that provide services through mobile and fixed clinics. The MHNTs with MHPSS teams are providing medical consultations, basic Sexual and Reproductive Health Services (RHS), psychosocial services, screening and referral management for severe malnutrition among children, and health promotion including COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE). IOM is also supporting the Regional Health Bureaus’ preparedness to outbreak, for instance through cholera preparedness and response training for health


The mobility dimensions of humanitarian crises typically involve significant and diverse vulnerabilities for affected individuals and communities. Key humanitarian protection principles are engrained in every IOM activity before, during, and after a crisis to ensure that the crisis and post-crisis responses minimize any unintended negative consequences and prioritize safety and dignity of the affected individuals and communities; ensure their meaningful access to aid and services without discrimination; foster participation and empowerment; and hold IOM accountable to affected populations, thus contributing to the respect and fulfilment of their rights.

Rapid Response Fund (RRF) 

IOM’s grants-based programme, the Rapid Response Fund (RRF), supports local and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) through small grants to meet the urgent needs of displaced persons throughout Ethiopia through emergency response projects focused on shelter and settlements, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and education. Through RRF, IOM has established an SNFIs pipeline to support humanitarian partners in their delivery of humanitarian assistance in affected areas, also complementing partner responses through cash-for-NFIs support.  Learn more

Shelter/Non-Food Items (S/NFIs)

IOM is providing direct lifesaving assistance based on the identified needs, including distribution of NFIs and emergency shelter kits, construction of communal shelters, and cash for rent assistance. All distributions are accounting for the local context, specific needs and vulnerabilities of beneficiaries, mainstreaming protection concerns and gender considerations, and have COVID-19 mitigation measures in place.
IOM has been co-leading the ESNFIs cluster in Ethiopia with the Government and has established sub-national ESNFIs clusters in Tigray, Amhara, Afar, Oromia, and Somali regions to facilitate appropriate, effective coordination and response.

Transition and Recovery

IOM supports climate- and conflict-affected communities across Ethiopia to progressively resolve displacement situations and promote voluntary and informed decision-making of IDPs, via improvement of policy and legislation, institutional capacity building, and community empowerment. Social and economic structures are rebuilt by working with community networks and local governments to support and strengthen local governance and policy structures, to build capacity among stakeholders to prevent and resolve conflict, and to improve community self-reliance. Learn more

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

IOM is leading WASH activities in many IDP sites and host communities across Ethiopia, including distribution of hygiene kits, water trucking, construction and rehabilitation of water points, emergency latrines, and handwashing stations, establishment of community-based water or sanitation management committees, and hygiene promotion activities through contextualized campaigns and mobilization of gender-balanced hygiene promoters.