With the aim of enabling a rapid humanitarian response to external shocks resulting from new aspects of ongoing crises, natural and man-made disasters in Ethiopia, and through the support of USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), the United Nation’s Central Emergency Response (CERF), the Ethiopian Humanitarian Fund (EHF), the Government of Japan, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), IOM is implementing the Rapid Response Fund - Ethiopia. Emergency responses can be supported through grants and in-kind. Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis and should respond to recent events; applicants are advised to contact the RRF team (rrfethiopia@iom.int) as soon as possible for potential responses.


To meet acute, emergency humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable populations, namely those affected by new aspect of ongoing crises, natural and/or man-made disasters, by providing a flexible, effective, and need-based mechanism to humanitarian actors operating in the emergency response.

When is RRF Activated?

RRF-E will be activated in the event of:

a) a man-made emergency such as conflict and inter- and intra-ethnic violence, conflict-induced population displacement (both newly displaced, newly accessible);

b) a natural disaster such as flooding or drought that results in displacement, asset losses, and/or significant health threats due to lack of shelter.

Targeted Sectors

The activities related to these grants will maintain a delivery-oriented and needs-based relief support focus in:

  • Shelter and Non-Food Items;
  • Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) (Settlements);
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH);
  • Multi-Purpose Cash (MPC)
  • Protection – Psycho-social Support (PSS)

Who can Apply?

The RRF works with organizations that are working in disaster affected areas of Ethiopia and have the capacity to swiftly implement specific ES/NFI, CCCM, WASH, or MPC interventions that meet the needs of people affected by natural or man-made disasters.

Selected organizations, in close coordination with IOM and local communities, will serve beneficiaries that are identified as the most vulnerable individuals in the affected communities, be they returnees or IDPs or others in need of direct life-saving assistance and will work to achieve the following results:

  • life-saving humanitarian assistance to people affected by natural disasters such as flooding or man-made disasters;
  • distribution of NFIs and ES materials provided by IOM;
  • use of cash for NFI, alongside in-kind ES, response in appropriate areas;
  • support for Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM);
  • implementation of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) support;
  • distribution of Multi-Purpose Cash (MPC).


To be eligible as a recipient of funds from the RRF-E, applicants must meet the following basic conditions:

  1. Registered, locally or internationally as a humanitarian organization or non-profit organization; registration with the Agency for Civil Society Organizations is a requirement to be able to operate legally in the country and is mandatory.
  2. Established sectorial competence in shelter and NFI distribution and participation in local, regional and/or national S/NFI Cluster; established sectoral competence in camp management and participation in local, regional and/or national CCCM Cluster; established sectoral competence in WASH and participation in local, regional and/or national WASH Cluster; and/or established competence in MPC and participation in local, regional and/or national Cash Working Group (CWG).
  3. Established geographical presence in area of operation, or established capacity to mobilize over a short period of time;
  4. Able to meet standards of financial probity acceptable to IOM and the respective donor; with IOM able to provide additional support as needed within context of Ethiopia;
  5. Sub-grant recipients of funding through USAID will be required to agree to restrictions and conditions relating to ineligible goods, restricted goods, suppliers as set out in the USAID/BHA Guidelines https://www.usaid.gov/bha-guidelines for Proposals;
  6. Capacity to meet M&E and reporting requirements established by RRF-E;
  7. Receipts will have a code of conduct (CoC) conforming to international standards or agree to adopt the RRF-E CoC based on IOM’s policies and practices.

Application Procedure

In order to be considered eligible to receive RRF-E grants, prospective organizations should follow the RRF Guidelines and submit the following documents:

  1. Organizational Information (Annex I)
  2. Proposal Template (Annex II)
  3. Budget, Logframe and Work Plan Template (Annex III)

These documents can be requested from the RRF staff: rrfethiopia@iom.int or can be downloaded from this website.

Selection of Grants

Proposals will be selected based on their match with the RRF Guidelines and Cluster priorities. Grants will be allocated according to the following principles:

  • Funding is granted based on proposals from organizations with the capacity to respond (including adherence to sector and sub-sector requirements);
  • The proposals do not duplicate existing activities able to meet the current needs implemented by the same applicant or another organizations, the RRF-E team will consult with the ES/NFI, CCCM, WASH Cluster and/or Cash Working Group to ensure activities fit within the sector strategy for particular emergency response;
  • The proposed activities assure the maximum coverage of regions and population, as well as the different target beneficiaries;
  • Grants are allocated taking into consideration the needs of each region and the target population;
  • Cost-effectiveness;
  • Proposals build synergy with existing community resources;
  • Proposals respond to immediate humanitarian needs caused by an external shock;
  • Proposals should establish clear connections between the needs identified and the activities proposed;
  • Proposals should clearly outline goals and objectives that are achievable within a short timeframe (usually three months for ES/NFI or WASH activities, up to eight months for CCCM activities, and up to three months for MPC activities);
  • Proposals should outline a viable exit or transition strategy. Exit/transition strategies should describe planned transition of activities; and steps planned, if any, to continue the program after RRF funding ends.

The Fund will prioritize emergency activities that do not last for more than 3 months for ES/NFI or WASH activities, 4 months for MPC activities, or 8 months for CCCM activities.


Guidelines for All of Ethiopia
Guidelines for Northern Ethiopia Response (NER)